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Chinese firms join ranks of global leaders in patent applications (3)

By Shen Jingting (China Daily)

09:10, November 30, 2012

Fang said that shows how much of a priority Huawei places on innovation.

Both companies have showed a determination to push forward with innovations.

Dai Shu, spokesman for ZTE, said doing so will help the company provide customers with reliable and secure products.

"We strictly adhere to various standards concerning network security," Dai said.

In addition, the quality of ZTE's products has been attested by third-party safety organizations, such as UL LLC, a safety-science company.

In October, a US congressional report accused Huawei and ZTE of posing a national security risk to the United States. Both companies denied the allegations had any truth to them.

The safety and integrity of Huawei's products and services have been recognized in the industry, several Huawei officials said.

[email protected]

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