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English>>Foreign Affairs

FM press conference on Nov. 14(Full Text)

(People's Daily Online)

17:05, November 22, 2012

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei held a press conference on November 14, 2012. (Photo/ Foreign Ministry of China)

Q: It is reported that some countries recognized the "Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces" as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people. What is China's comment?

A: Syria's future and destiny should be decided by the Syrian people on their own. The political transition process led by the Syrian people should be launched and pushed forward as soon as possible so as to achieve the just, peaceful and appropriate settlement of the Syrian issue. The Chinese side stands ready to stay in contact and communication with all relevant parties in Syria towards this end.

Q: It is reported that some countries recognized the "Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces" as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people. What is China's comment?

A: Syria's future and destiny should be decided by the Syrian people on their own. The political transition process led by the Syrian people should be launched and pushed forward as soon as possible so as to achieve the just, peaceful and appropriate settlement of the Syrian issue. The Chinese side stands ready to stay in contact and communication with all relevant parties in Syria towards this end.

Q: The US-China Economic and Security Review Commission said in its annual report released on November 14 that China has become the most threatening country in the cyberspace, and the US government should conduct an in-depth assessment of China's cyberspying and consider imposing tougher penalties on companies that benefit from industrial espionage. What is China's comment?

A: Relevant Commission always clings to the Cold War mentality. China urges this Commission to respect facts, discard prejudice and stop its interference in China's internal affairs as well as its erroneous words and deeds that are detrimental to China-US relations.

The report's accusation against China about cyber security is utterly groundless. We have pointed out many times that the Chinese side is opposed to all forms of hacker attacks and has made laws to explicitly ban them. In fact, China is also one of the major victims of different kinds of hacker attacks. We always believe that cyber security, as a global issue, should be addressed through constructive international cooperation on the basis of mutual trust. Governments of China and the US have joined hands in the combat against cyber crimes through relevant channels. Irresponsible and misleading reports repeatedly released by the Commission neither help to resolve the issue of hacker attacks, nor can they help build China-US mutual trust in cyber security.


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