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English>>China Politics

Chinese finance minister gives press conference on fiscal and tax reform (2)

(Xinhua)    11:25, March 06, 2015

Chinese finance minister Lou Jiwei (2nd L, back) and vice finance minister Liu Kun (2nd R, back) give a press conference for the third session of China's 12th National People's Congress (NPC) on fiscal and tax reform, in Beijing, capital of China, March 6, 2015. (Xinhua/LiXiang)

Chinese finance minister Lou Jiwei (2nd L, back) and vice finance minister Liu Kun (2nd R, back) give a press conference for the third session of China's 12th National People's Congress (NPC) on fiscal and tax reform, in Beijing, capital of China, March 6, 2015. (Xinhua/LiXiang)


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(Editor:Kong Defang,Bianji)

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