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Woman rides subway wearing facial mask (5)

By Gao Yinan (People's Daily Online)    13:42, April 14, 2016
Woman rides subway wearing facial mask
A Chinese woman wearing black facial mask receives an interview from a local media. (Photo/Weibo)

A woman in Ningbo, a city in eastern China's Zhejiang province, has found an ingenious way to squeeze in time for skin care. She wears a black facial mask while commuting to work on the bus and subway.

Photos of the woman with the mask on public transportation have gone viral on social media. Some netizens criticized her for being selfish, because fellow passengers might be shocked at first sight when they see her.

Explaining why she was wearing the mask, the woman, who works for a foreign trading company, said that she often stays up late to finish her work, and the late nights take a toll on her skin. However, the main reason is that her wedding is coming up and she wants to look her best before the big day.

Since she doesn’t have time to take for a proper skin care regimen at night, she came up with the idea of using facial masks on her way to work. She said she never thought her decision would attract so much attention.

She added that, regardless of the attention, looking good is more important to her than worrying over other people's reactions.  


(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Gao Yinan,Bianji)

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