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Wildlife officials crack down on Thailand tiger trade: Three big cats removed from Buddhist temple accused of illegally breeding, trafficking and drugging them for tourist shows (9)

(Mail Online)    15:16, May 31, 2016
Wildlife officials crack down on Thailand tiger trade: Three big cats removed from Buddhist temple accused of illegally breeding, trafficking and drugging them for tourist shows

Wildlife officials in Thailand have raided a Buddhist temple and removed some of its 137 tigers following accusations the monks were illegally breeding and trafficking the animals.

The director of Thailand's Wildlife Conservation Office, Teunjai Noochdumrong, said three tigers were tranquilized and transported in an operation involving 1,000 state personnel.

The temple promotes itself as a wildlife sanctuary, but in recent years it has been investigated for suspected links to wildlife trafficking and animal abuse.


(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)
(Editor:Huang Jin,Bianji)

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