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Cliff road helps villagers cast off poverty in N China's Shanxi (4)

(Xinhua)    09:30, June 15, 2018
Cliff road helps villagers cast off poverty in N China's Shanxi
Aerial photo taken on June 12, 2018 shows buildings for farm tourism in Shenlongwan Village in Changzhi City, north China's Shanxi Province. A 1,526-meter-long road was built along the cliffs to connect isolated Shenlongwan to the outside. The construction of this miraculous road lasted for fifteen years from 1985 to 2000, and was built purely by villagers of Shenlongwan. Thanks to this road, villagers here now cast off poverty by developing tourism. (Xinhua/Cao Yang)


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(Web editor: Liang Jun, Bianji)

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