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English>>China Politics

Commentary: CPC leadership wages war against formalism, bureaucracy (3)


08:42, December 06, 2012

"We must make every effort to solve these problems. The whole Party must stay on full alert," Xi added.

During a recent visit to an exhibition on the ups and downs of China on the road of national revival, Xi highlighted the notion that "Empty talk can lead a country astray, while hard work sees nations prosper."

Moreover, two members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Li Keqiang and Wang Qishan, recently asked officials not to read their prepared reports at meetings to save time in order to speak about more concrete content.

These conducts showed the top CPC leaders' resolve to root out the chronic and lingering problems of formalism and bureaucracy, which have been hampering flesh-and-blood bonds between the Party and the people.

Formalism and bureaucracy cannot be gotten rid of within a short time. The new requirements are good as they will help leaders turn rhetoric of into practice. But they will only have their full intended effect if fully implemented.

【1】 【2】 【3】


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