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What political system can help developing countries achieve prosperity? (2)

(People's Daily Online)

08:42, January 05, 2013

What kind of political system should a developing country adopt to achieve national prosperity?

To put it simply, a developing country needs a strong government with great mobilization and implementation capabilities, which is determined by its historical background and development phase. Western countries faced issues concerning industrialization, political modernization, and national integration at different times, but most Third World countries faced these issues at the same time. Before a country improves the people’s livelihoods to a certain degree, its primary task should be promoting economic development and stressing collective discipline as well as hard work.

In fact, almost all Western powers were governed by classes representing advanced productive forces during their rising process, and they chose “strong governments” as the political guarantee of national prosperity. Almost all countries that experienced the Second Industrial Revolution completed modernization under authoritarian rule.

The ability to implement westernization has been considered as a major criterion for evaluating a country’s progress over the past 200 years. However, there are growing doubts over such a criterion. Positive and negative examples of political transition, particularly the derailed political transition in the Middle East, have made countries realize the great importance of avoiding blind imitation and adhering to their own political development path.

【1】 【2】

Read the Chinese version: 富强梦需要怎样的政治制度, source: People's Daily Overseas Edition, author: Tian Wenlin

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