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Zodiac stamp hisses history and flicks festivity

By Xu Ming (Global Times)

16:51, January 18, 2013

Wu Guanying (GT Photo)

An image search on the word "cold-blooded" pulls up a lot of pictures of snakes. And few people live without a healthy level of fear for this species that is regarded as dangerous and sometimes life-threatening. But as China's Lunar New Year approaches, folks are hoping the cute side of the animal will prevail and bring about an auspicious year for all.

Early this month, China Post published its zodiac animal stamp for 2013, China's Year of the Snake. The stamp, which features an agile and lovely red snake covered with beautiful flowers, has won much applause for its delightful design and its reflection of traditional Chinese culture. The price, with a face value of 1.2 yuan ($0.19), soared to more than 10 times that within several days.

Wu Guanying, the designer of the stamp, told the Global Times that the snake is the most difficult to design among the 12 zodiac animals. "I listened to other experts' suggestion in designing the snake, trying to make it appear festive and auspicious to celebrate the New Year."

Auspicious omen

On the stamp is a red chubby snake spiraling in circles and looking up, with its mouth pouting and a pearl above. The design is a combination of ancient myths and elements in traditional Chinese culture.

According to Wu, who is a professor at Tsinghua University, the idea of the pearl is from an ancient story that says "a snake holding a bright pearl means to pay a debt of gratitude." It stresses the Chinese traditional virtues of philanthropy and gratitude. The tail of the snake divides into two parts to signal safety and health.

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