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English>>China Society

Diabetics help each other treat disease (2)

By Wang Qingyun (China Daily)

10:14, November 15, 2012

"For example, a patient may need someone to tell him how to reduce the pain of daily insulin injections. The person in the best position to do that is another diabetic who can share their experience, not a doctor."

Maggy Coufal, senior program manager of Peers for Progress, which was launched by the American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation, said her group has designed models and tools for the pilot project.

"We'll train two doctors in each of the four hospitals on peer support know-how," Chen explained. "Those doctors will in turn train selected patients on peer support, who will continue to educate and lead others.

"Hopefully, by the end of 2013, there will be 500 trained patients helping diabetics to cope with problems in the community, which doctors don't have the time or experience to do."

Coufal agreed, and said she hoped the project can help diabetics: "Live an inspirational life with advice and support from peers".

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