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Public Response to “Sunshine Project” (7)

(People's Daily Online)

17:57, January 05, 2013

Li Ping (Business Development Manager of Center for Child Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility):
In recent years, “Social Enterprises” has become an increasingly popular topic. Some local non-governmental, non-profit agencies and civilian-run nonbusiness entities are finding ways to transform to social enterprises. The “Sunshine Project” in Guizhou Province has the key factors of a social enterprise. Moreover, there is powerful support from the government. It is no doubt an exciting work to probe into the sustainable and sound development of the “Sunshine Project” under the leadership of the government, as well as the connection of social enterprise modes with the “Sunshine Enterprises” in Guizhou Province.

Gong Jinxing (President of People’s Daily, Guizhou Branch)
For a distressed drug addict, an employment opportunity is undoubtedly a chance for survival. It not only helps them to get rid of the addiction, but push him to a healthy new life. Therefore, the “Sunshine Project” is a benevolent work concerning people’s livelihood and wellbeing. The fruit of the “Sunshine Project” also indicates the importance of community construction. To reinforce community construction is an important work process in strengthening social management.

Li Yin (Vice President of Xinhua News Agency, Guizhou Branch)
The “Sunshine Project” is indeed an innovation of the social management on narcotics control; it is also a new exploration in anti-drug work. As a bright spot, the “Sunshine Project” with carrier, budget and support is all standing. It’s never an easy task to be fulfilled by the end of this year, but it’s worthwhile to be promoted and publicized vigorously.

Su Xianlong (Associate Editor of Office of Editor-in-chief of People’s Daily):
The “Sunshine Project” is actually a project concerning people’s livelihood. It is a long-term project which shall take several generations’ efforts. Therefore, we need a systematic design program to have it solidified.

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